About Lubeks
„Любекс“ ЕООД е основана в края на двадесети век – 1994 година, като бързо заема стабилни позиции на пазара с хранителни стоки. Първите й стъпки са в търговията на едро основно със захар, сол, брашно, ориз и други варива. Следващата цел от нашето развитие бе изграждането и патентоването на собствена марка.
Продуктите на фирмата се разпространяват на територията на цялата страна с бързи темпове. Внедрихме и разработихме НАССР системата, с цел максимален контрол над суровините, опаковките и готовата продукция. От самото начало инвестираме в своето бъдеще като се използва по-висок клас машини, съоръжения и изграждане на собствени материални бази и автопарк , което гарантира сигурна доставка на място до клиента.

Our long experience in the food industry showed us that we had to take a new project. This is the reason why in the next decade we found the company Lubeks-K Ltd., whose management decided to invest in the building of a modern bottling department for vegetable oils. The large-scale warehouse for proper storage of raw materials and finished products allowed us to expand our business.
What are the reasons for creating a modern bottling company?
Today, the scope of our work expands to the production of natural packaged foods, wholesale of food products, bottling of sunflower oil, olive oil and other vegetable oils.

After 26 years on the market, as one of the leading companies, we decided to undertake a new structural change which is the creation of new innovative logistics base. In this way, all of our activities are concentrated in one place allowing us to focus professionally on every detail of the work to meet the standards of our contractors. With the increase of the warehouse for storage of goods, we have the opportunity to extend our portfolio of new products for import and export and consequently to attract more clients.
Thanks to the enormous experience we have gained during these years, we have the confidence and we are sure that we offer quality services considered with all modern market mechanisms.

The power of taste is a quality product!
Your choice of healthy food is a guarantee for good health and positive mood!